


October 18th 2022

Community Meeting

Presented at the OCI Monthly Community Meeting

Fall 2022 - Winter 2022

Data Collection & Existing Conditions Analysis

Project team documented existing conditions in order to create working maps and gather information about the general area including: history of the study area, zoning, land-use, recent investments, infrastructure projects.

Winter 2022 - Spring 2023

Working Group Meetings & Listening Sessions

A series of stakeholder meetings were conducted with different groups including residents of Lakeview, industrial users, Cleveland Metroparks, the Port of Cleveland, and others.

Fall 2022

Project Kick Off

Initial working group meetings, planning for future phases of the project.

March 7th, 2023

Public Meeting Workshop

OHM and OCI presented the project and asked for community feedback on Tuesday March 7th at St Malachi Hall. Food, childcare, and transportation was provided for the meeting. Recording is available under "Community Meeting Presentation" tab.

Spring 2023 - Summer 2023

Stakeholder Meetings & Listening Sessions - Round Two!

A second round of listening sessions with stakeholders will inform the final plan, during the Spring and early Summer months.

Summer 2023

Final Plan Unveiling and Final Workshop Meeting

To be announced. Stay tuned for more details!